Graves Electrical Services and Pascor Atlantic perform switch training at Southbay substation

Training and Education are a never-ending process, and we know it as well as anyone here at Graves Electrical Services, Inc.  Our skilled and certified personnel attended Vertical Break and Horizontal Break switch training with Pascor Atlantic on the first full week of September 2022.  We’d like to give a warm thanks to Alan Combs of Pascor Atlantic for helping flesh out our knowledge and expertise in the field of substation switches.  This training was held at Florida Power & Light‘s new Southbay substation addition, which is in the process of being built by Graves Electrical Services.  With bellies full of coffee and Dunkin Donuts, everyone hunkered down for a day of hands-on questions and answers pertaining to the use, construction, and new innovations involved in substation switches from Pascor.  Switches serve an important function in the substation, allowing personnel to control the current of the substation in a modular way.  This helps when a phase needs to be de-energized for work in that area, to keep all construction employees safe to return home at the end of the day.  Thanks, Pascor!



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