
A bearing housing slid off a saddle bracket while a team member was attempting to align the bearing bolts in the bracket. A team members finger was pinched between the torque tube and the saddle bracket resulting in a finger injury. The team member was seen offsite for evaluation and care where he was diagnosed with a hairline finger fracture.

Contributing Factors

1. Unsafe Acts – Improper Work Technique

Groundmen including the injured team member were grabbing the bearing housing’s base to attempt to align it over the saddle bracket and secure it using the bearing bolts. Per the SWI they were to align the bearing housing over the saddle bracket by grabbing onto the top of the bearing housing.

2. Unsafe Acts – Unsafe Acts by Others

The forklift operator failed to warn the groundmen including the injured team member that he was going assist the torque tube alignment by moving the forklift that was supporting the tube. He moved the forklift without receiving hand signals from the groundmen. The action caused the bearing to slip off the saddle bracket and caused the torque tube to fall onto the bracket.

3. Unsafe Acts – Improper Body Placement

The injured team member placed his hand on top of the saddle bracket while trying to align the bearing bolts into the bracket slots. This placed his fingers in the line of fire under and unsecured load and its support structure. When the torque tube fell it pinched the injured team member’s finger.

Energy Wheel Hazard Assessment

Hazard assessments should be performed as part of the work plaining process to identify potential hazards and controls. Utilizing the Energy Wheel this job task presents the following hazards:

✓ Mechanical – Rotation, vibration, or motion of equipment, machinery, or tools. (motion/movement of equipment)

o The unattended movement of the forklift caused the bearing housing to slip free and fall off the saddle cap.

✓ Gravity – Force that attracts the moss of objects towards the earth. (falling torque tube)

o When the bearing housing slipped free of the saddle cap it caused the torque tube assembly to fall and strike the top of the saddle cap.

Hierarchy of Control Considerations

When implementing controls, leaders need to follow the hierarchy of controls (1-6), which are listed from the most effective to the least effective below:

✓ (1) Elimination – Completely remove the hazard from the workplace

o Consider working with OEM bearing housing and saddle bracket manufactures to develop an alternate means of affixing the two parts together during installation to avoid the pinch point hazard.




✓ (3) Engineering – Isolate the hazard as much as possible from team members.

o Consider preinstalling bearing bolts in the bearing housing in fixed positions to be stabbed into saddle bracket bolt slots as they are set into position.

o Consider changing the shape / size of the saddle bracket slots to allow with a larger opening for the bolts to be stabbed into without the need to make adjustment to the bolts using hands/fingers.

✓ (4) Warnings – Alert team members using signage, barricade tape, markings, etc.

o Consider identifying known pinch points with high visibility tape, paint, stickers, etc.

✓ (5) Administrative Controls – Change the way team members work to avoid the hazard.

o Consider implementing controls that require groundmen to be free and clear of the torque tube assemblies while they are being mechanically adjusted vertically or horizontally.

o Consider providing groundmen with a tool that allows them to properly align bearing bolts in the saddle bracket while keeping their hands and fingers free of the known pinch point.

✓ (6) Use of PPE – Provide and require that team members use PPE to protect them from the hazard.

o Consider using gloves with crush resistant hand/finger guards should be used to

protect groundmen from falling torque tubes.



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