A company called ARES has devised an amazing new innovation in clean energy systems.  Solar and Wind power have been improving power delivery’s carbon footprint but energy storage can be a problem when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining.  This new rail system provides a solution, using the power from wind or solar farms to pull train cars full of stone uphill where they wait until their energy is needed.  Outfitted with motor generators much like those in a hydro-electric dam, when the weighted cars are released downhill they regenerate the energy that would normally be lost in a wind or solar installation.   Sending that power into moving the cars uphill causes them to act like a giant mechanical battery of potential energy that uses gravity to recover that energy.  With further innovation, this system will soon be able to generate the same level of energy as a 1 gigawatt dam, which is enough to power a half a million homes!  Graves Electrical Services salutes ARES and their brilliant new system.  Learn more about it by clicking here!



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