In 2019, Graves Electrical Services assembled the Italy Substation in Naples, Florida for Florida Power & Light.  Increased need for electrical power in the area called for a distribution substation which would step the voltage in the local transmission lines down from 138 kV to 13 kV for use in the homes and businesses around the substation. When power is created through hydro-electric, nuclear, or solar means, it is then transported through high voltage transmission lines to areas where it is needed for use. High voltage is required to avoid loss of energy, but once the power has reached its destination, distribution substations are required to “step down” the voltage so it is compatible with commercial and residential electrical systems. The first example of this was created in 1896 by George Westinghouse, who built a 20-mile system between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, NY to deliver alternating current power. Prior to this, coal-sourced energy was required to generate direct current power that could only be transferred about a half a mile and was used almost exclusively by large businesses and hotels. Graves completed this project on time and under budget, and is pleased to have been involved in increasing the capacity for power usage in the community of Naples!  



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